By investing in a state-of-the-art iron foundry, BEHRINGER from Kirchardt is setting standards in terms of quality and flexibility. Many years of expertise in grey and ductile cast iron and highly m
Grey cast iron components from our in-house iron foundry are installed in every Behringer band saw. These have a vibration-damping effect directly at the cutting edge and thus increase the tool life
We think the process through to the end and offer surface treatment, heat treatment and mechanical processing from a single source.
Post-processing of grey and ductile iron castings is crucial to e
All around the world, our customers are benefitting from our service and innovative machines which are always at the cutting edge. Wherever quick and precise sawing is called for and economical proc
Aluminium Circular Saw VA-L 560 NC3 XL
for cutting aluminium and non-ferrous metals
Excellent surface quality, high output, short rest piece lengths and careful material handling - the VA-L series